Dr. Mark Greer


  • 2013 Ph.D., University of Denver
  • 2009 M.S., University of Denver
  • 2006 B.S., Northern Arizona University


[7] Automorphic loops and metabelian groups (with L. Raney), submitted.
[6] Decompositions of complete graphs and p-groupoids (with J. Carr), Quasigroups and Related Systems 27 (2019), 201-210.
[5] Simple right conjugacy closed loops, Nonassociative mathematics and its applications, Contemp. Math. 721 (2019), 151-163.
[4] Semiautomorphic inverse property loops, Comm. in Algebra 5 (2017), 2222-2237.
[3] Moufang extensions and semidirect products of loops with groups (with L. Raney), Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 55 (2014), 411-420.
[2] A class of loops categorically isomorphic to Bruck loops of odd order, Comm. in Algebra 42 (2014), 3682-3697.
[1] Pseudoautomorphisms of Bruck loops and their generalizations (with M.K. Kinyon), Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 53 (2012), 383-389.


[26] Gamma Loops (invited speaker),” Special Session on Nonassociative Algebra, AMS Western Sectional Meeting, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (October 2016).
[25] “Automated Deduction in Undergraduate Research Projects (invited speaker, pedagogical talk),” Automated Deduction and its Application to Mathematics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA (August 2016).
[24] “Quasigroups and Undergraduate Research Projects (pedagogical talk),” Contributed Session on Undergraduate Research and Teaching of Upper Level Mathematics, MAA Southeastern Conference, University of Alabama – Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama, USA (March 2016).
[23] “A general construction for simple right conjugacy closed loops,” Contributed Session, AMS Southeastern Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA (March 2016).
[22] “A generalization of Moufang and automorphic loops (invited speaker),” Loops’ 15 Ohrid, Macedonia (July 2015).
[21] “Nonassociative Constructions from Baer (invited speaker),” Zassenhaus Group Theory conference, Binghamton, NY, USA (May 2015).
[20] “Moufang semidirect products of loops with groups and inverse property extensions (invited speaker),” Mathematics Colloquium, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (May 2015).
[19] “Nilpotent groups and Commutative Automorphic loops,” Automated Deduction and its Applications to Mathematics, Florence, 帝王会所, AL, USA (August 2014).
[18] “Simple Right Conjugacy Closed loops and Hall planes,” Ohio State-Denison Mathematics Conference, Columbus, OH, USA (May 2014).
[17] “Simple Right Conjugacy Closed loops,” Mathematics Colloquium, 帝王会所, Florence, AL, USA (August 2014).
[16] “A Message Authentication Code based on quasigroups and loops,” Mathematics Colloquium, 帝王会所, Florence, AL, USA (September 2013).
[15] “An introduction to loop theory,” Mathematics Colloquium, 帝王会所, Florence, AL, USA (September 2013).
[14] “Simple Right Conjugacy Closed loops,” 3rd Mile High Conference on Nonassociative Mathematics, Denver, CO, USA (August 2013).
[13] “A class of loops categorically isomorphic to Bruck loops of odd order (invited speaker),” Special Session on Quasigroups, loops, and nonassociative division algebras, AMS Central Section Meeting, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA (April 2013).
[12] “Loops categorically isomorphic to Bruck loops,” Joint Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA, USA (January 2013).
[11] “Loops categorically isomorphic to Bruck loops,” Rocky Mountain Discrete Mathematics Days, Denver, CO, USA (October 2012).
[10] “From Groups to Loops," Student Seminar, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (September 2012).
[09] “Sylow Theory for Commutative Automorphic Loops,” Graduate Colloquium, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (April 2012).
[08] “Constructing Commutative Loops," Student Seminar, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (September 2011).
[07] “A Construction for Commutative Automorphic Loops,” Loops’ 11, Tr’est, Czech Republic (July 2011).
[06] “Some Varieties of Diassociative Loops – Structures and Constructions,” Graduate Colloquium, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (April 2011).
[05] “Constructions of Diassociative Loops (invited speaker),” Special Session on Quasigroups, loops, and nonassociative division algebras, AMS Central Section Meeting, South Bend, IN, USA (November 2010).
[04] “A close look at Groups with Triality,” (I & II), Student Seminar, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (October 2010).
[03] “Constructions on Diassociative Loops,” Student Seminar, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (May 2010).
[02] “Turbo Codes,” Graduate Colloquium, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA (March 2008).
[01] “Numerical Semigroups,” Arizona Mathematical Undergraduate Conference, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (November 2005).

Dr. Mark Greer

Email: mgreer@una.edu
Telephone: 256-765-4476
Office: Computing and Mathematics Building Office 340

UNA Box 5051
Florence AL, 35632